
Email: eliza@integratenyc.org

Home Borough: Brooklyn
School Borough: Brooklyn

Eliza is a sixteen year old junior at Millennium Brooklyn High School and a director at IntegrateNYC. Her interest in activism was first sparked in elementary school and since then, has been an important part of her life. In 2017, her involvement with IntegrateNYC began, leading her to gain experience and skill in organizing, public speaking, facilitating meetings, envisioning/creating plans, and building community.

Among other initiatives, Eliza was a member of the District 15 Diversity Plan Working Group and co-founded Integrate’s middle school branch during her time as a lead. She became one of the organization’s Executive Directors in 2020 and worked to lead the organization through the aftermath of COVID-19. In her sophomore year, she took a step back from her role, but is now back with the organization as a director!



